Um aplicativo simples e gratuito que permite gerar inteiros aleatórios, retornando valores entre -99999 e 99999. Voltar muito útil para desenhar facilmente números com distribuição equiprovável. O programa utiliza o método random () da classe Math em Java para calcular os números retornados na saída.
Version history:
V 3.1
Added landscape mode, bug fix.
V. 3.0
Bug fix. The user can save generated numbers in .txt or .csv file (only in external storage).
V. 2.0
The user can generate (with and without duplicates) up to one hundred numbers.
The app remembers the values entered by the user after it has been closed.
Ability to view the recent generated numbers (also after closing the app).
The user can copy/share numbers long pressing on the multiple numbers window.
Added French translation.
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